Diversity Scholar Recipients
Diversity Scholar Recipients
Encouraging diversity and inclusion within the field of ADR
The Fund provides financial assistance of up to $2,000 to students or professionals. This support can be used towards:
· Degree program or fellowship in alternative dispute resolution
· Conference or training program in alternative dispute resolution
The goal is to empower diverse leaders and professionals in ADR by helping them access education and training opportunities that advance their careers and enhance inclusivity within the field.
The AAA-ICDR Foundation partners with law schools at two historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) – Howard University and North Carolina Central University – that offer certificates in dispute resolution. Key details include:
· $50,000 awarded annually to each law school.
· Scholarships specifically for second- and third-year law students pursuing certificates in dispute resolution.
· Recipients are selected each year in September by the respective law schools

Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
2023 Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
2023 Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
Historically Black Colleges and University Scholarship Recipients
Scholar Recipient
2023 Scholarship Recipients
2022 Scholarship Recipients
2021 Scholarship Recipients
2020 Scholarship Recipients

Kostas Aslanidis
My full name is Konstantinos Aslanidis, however I prefer people to simply call me Kostas. I acquired my Bachelor’s Degree in Law at Democritus University of Thrace. Consequently, I completed my Master’s Degree in Civil, Civil Procedure and Labour Law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. At the same time, I interned at the legal department of one of Greece’s largest banks, Eurobank, where I focused on due diligence on arbitration clauses included in bond loan agreements and legal research on complicated legal cases we faced. It was a welcome opportunity to gain experience in the practical aspect of my studies.
In December 2021, I passed the Greek bar examination and was granted my practicing license. From that point on, I established my own private practice, where I mainly focus on mediation procedures, trying civil cases, and working with counsels to reach resolutions or settle cases. Afterwards, I decided to further develop my insight on Arbitration by applying in the LL.M. program of NYU in International Business Regulation, Litigation & Arbitration. I am planning after competing my studies in NYU to take the New York Bar Examination.
Grant Amount
LL.M. studies at NYU School of Law in International Business Regulation, Litigation & Arbitration

Henry Rajoro
Nairobi, Kenya
Born and raised in Nairobi Kenya, Henry has had a most dynamic experience of Life symbolized by a region that has seen tremendous changes in one generation thanks to the digital transformation and this has translated into great opportunities for leaving a lasting impact in his Generation.
It was destiny that ultimately led Henry into walking in his purpose and impacting communities around him. What began as a passion for storytelling using the camera, opened the door for him to work with International Non-profits like Norwegian based New Life Mission Aid and Netherlands based EDUKANS. This experience is what gave him a sense of calling and purpose in the humanitarian field. After training with Mediators Beyond Borders International in Mediation and Peace Building, Henry found his niche in the broader Humanitarian Field and has since dedicated himself to pursuing this path with special focus on the incarcerated and ex-convicts, in helping them find peace with communities around them, and vice versa. With a Background in Communication and among other skills such as Cybersecurity, Henry’s Vision is to Build Communities centered on Peace and tell stories that propagate Peace and Wholeness.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Raihal Fajru
Aceh Besar, Indonesia
Raihal Fajri is currently the Executive Director of the Katahati Institute she has been running the operations the non-profit organization since June 2013. At the end of 2007-2009, Raihal joined the Katahati Institute as Project Officer for Clearing House Policy Advocacy with the main concentration on encouraging an information Center and policy advocacy for earthquake and Tsunami victims in Aceh in 2004.
As a Project Officer, Raihal was responsible for managing information and ensuring the policy documents that were produced can be used by the Government and related parties in the process of rehabilitation and construction of Aceh in fulfilling the basic rights of Tsunami victims. Specific expertise possessed in this program is policy analysis and media analysis. Raihal was an alumnus of Mediators Beyond Borders: International Training Institute “Women in Peacebuilding, Enhancing Skills and
Practice” in 2016. After that, Raihal received the formal certificate of Mediator from the Impartial Mediator Network with Indonesia Supreme Court after mediation training in Indonesia in 2020. Raihal is also a member of Mediator's Beyond Border International and has several times been a resource person on the topic of The Role of Women in Natural Resource Mediation Processes in Indonesia, first on March 31, 2021, and second at the Kyoto Peace Conference on the same topic on October 29-30 2021. She was a resource person on the topic of Feminist Ecotheology from an Islamic perspective on October 8th, 2021 conducted by JIPC-OFM Indonesia.
Raihal was an Assessor of USAID-SEGAR Project Assessment of Incentive Mechanisms for Improved Land Management, methodologies to evaluate the environmental Performance of Local Governments, and Extension Services in Aceh from November 9, 2021, to February 28, 2022. Raihal was a participant in the 2019 Australia-ASEAN Women in Constitution-building Capacity Development Program on 25-29 November 2019 at Melbourne Law School, Australia. She has been selected to participate in this first ever Constitution Building Summer School to be hosted by the Constitution Transformation Network (CTN) at Melbourne Law School (MLS). The Summer School will bring together a small cohort of eight women with an interest in constitutions and their operation in practice, two each from Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand. Raihal became a panelist representing Aceh, Indonesia in the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) in New York on 13-24 March 2017. At the UN conference which is a routine agenda of UN Women every year, she presented about the role of women in Aceh's
peace with the title of presentation "Women's roles in peace building; Support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Aceh “. From July to November 2017 she became a member of the Banda Aceh City Medium Term Development Plan Team (RPJM) in 2017-2022. She was also responsible for the Banda Aceh City CBDIS (SIPBM Online) Program under Aceh Social Protection Program as well as the Stunting Decrease in Aceh in collaboration with UNICEF and the Katahati Institute from 2013 until 2018.
In 2007, Raihal received training as a Trainer in the Training of Gender Sensitive Active Non- Violence Trainer and was followed up in the 2008 WPP Desk Asia Cochin, India. In addition to training for nonviolence activists, Raihal also received leadership training in the Vital Voices of Asia: Women's Leadership and Training Summit in September 2010 in New Delhi, India, after this Training, Raihal became a member of the Women Democracy Network. In 2010-2012, Raihal became the Program Manager of the Katahati Institute, which is responsible for ensuring that aspects of program planning and implementation run optimally. One of the major programs that were successfully implemented was Aceh Democracy Design. Rachel was responsible for compiling program planning to obtain funding support from the TIFA Foundation to design the Aceh Democracy Development based on the roadmap of the experience of Aceh's civil society, community organizations and the private sector. She is one of the drafting teams in the process of Compiling Academic Papers on the Management of Public Information Disclosure in Aceh to encourage the management of public information disclosure in Aceh in June-December 2017. She was the Manager of the Socialization Program for Handling the Inheritance Law of Tsunami Victims based on Law no. 48 of 2007 which is tasked with increasing understanding in managing inheritance rights and inheritance, especially in terms of managing and accessing tsunami victims' accounts to heirs in 2008. In the same year, she managed the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Transition process in realizing a comprehensive and sustainable Aceh Development whose task is to encourage multi-stakeholder synergies in the Aceh transition process to map the post-BRR NAD-Nias rehabilitation and reconstruction agenda as well as input for the end of BRR's tenure and the sustainability of rehabilitation and reconstruction for the Aceh Government. To ensure the involvement of women in the policy formulation process related to environmental issues, she started by becoming a researcher in the Beusaboh Pakat Working Group (WGBP) in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah was responsible for Gender Scanning Mainstreaming who was tasked with conducting initial scanning on the mechanism of socialization of Gender Mainstreaming in the Sarak Opat structure in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah districts in collaboration with the Aceh Police and IOM. Then at the end of 2017, she was involved in the process of women's dialogue on natural resource management in Quezon City, Philippines with the theme Resister Dialogue Resister's Dialogue on land, life, and rights. This dialogue forum was attended by women representatives of six ASEAN countries consisting of Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia plus India. The recommendations for this dialogue forum were then submitted to the representatives of their respective countries at the ASEAN Ministerial level meeting which took place at the same time. In addition, she also became a member of the Women's Earth Alliance (WEA) Indonesia in 2019 and became a mentor to facilitate WEA members the following year. WEA catalyses women-led, grassroots solutions to protect our environment and strengthen communities from the inside out.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Vaiba Kebeh Flomo
Creating community means a lot to my career goals. I want work through young people to create a community free from corruption, drugs, SGBV, and gender inequality. to see a community with high integrity, self-reliance and hardworking people.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Abiola Funmilayo Faleye
Abiola Funmilayo Faleye is from Nigeria, a seasoned legal practitioner of over 18 years, a certified Mediator and a Peace building Advocate expert with special interest in WPS, Peace education, Community peace building and conflict resolution. She has niche in family mediation and Restorative Practice. She is Passionate about building peaceful communities and using her expertise in this field as social change mechanism. She has over 18 years of experience as a legal practitioner both in the judiciary and private practice and have spent the last six years as a peace builder and good governance advocate in both conflict and post conflict zones. She has volunteered and still volunteering with many organizations locally and regionally especially in community peace building. She is deeply involved in women empowerment and gender equality advocacy. She has gone for several trainings both at home and abroad to deepen her knowledge and understanding in peace building. She facilitated several capacity building sessions spanning over several areas of peace building. She is a member of several
organizations and initiatives on and also co- founded a network of Women Mediators (WiMNet) to bring women in this field to visibility in Africa.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Xikhongelo Pearl Mukhari
South Africa
Xikhongelo Pearl Mukhari is a 30-year-old lady from a small village called Elim under Makhado Municipality in the Limpopo province in South Africa. A 4th year LLB student with the University of South Africa and recently graduated as a peacebuilder with MBBI for ARCoM, very passionate about peacebuilding and praying to make the world a better place with her acquired skills from the all the trainings she will be receiving.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Khin Thida Soe
My name is Thida, and I am from Myanmar. I have been serving as a Peace practitioner, mediator and a community dialogue facilitator over a decade. I am also a strong humanitarian. Over past years, I have brought my expertise on Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding (Nexus) to address the intersectional issues of H-D-P. On the other hand, whilst I am emphasizing on building peace that bringing community cohesiveness, I am promoting the human rights/ SOGIE rights that respect the diversity and inclusion. On professional front, I have left Christian Aid where I worked as a Programme Manager (Peacebuilding Nexus) and I just recently joined The LinQ Foundation based in Chiang Mai Thailand. The LinQ promotes the Human Rights and SOGIE rights, advocate for acceptance and recognition towards LGBTQ+ communities, bringing and respecting diversities and inclusion.
In Myanmar since the Coup, Myanmar Military Regime took over power on Feb 1, 2021, all the functions of social, political and economy collapsed and thousands of innocent civilians got killed by the Myanmar Security Force while over thousands of young people including journalists, politicians and activists were detained and some were sentenced to death. Government staff joined Civil Disobedience Movement and students quit the education. The economy and healthcare system were completely collapsed. Post Covid and due to the compounded crises of the current political turmoil, the people got traumatized with a lot fear due to the brutal military crackdown and crime against humanity and genocide towards minority groups, women, children and LGBTQ+ individuals. The people are in a traumatized situation and over 15 million of people are facing with poverty and humanitarian crises. As the repercussion affect, suicide is on the rise and lots of people have frequent suicidal attacks and are negatively impacting their mental trauma. Being a peacebuilder, human rights defender, it is so vital for me to take some responsibilities of helping people healing trauma and brining peace and unity amongst the communities along with bringing transitional justice. Hence having right knowledge and skills on trauma informed peacebuilding is highly important for me to bring more positive changes in the community and building peace.
On top of this, I have been so fortunate that I am one of MBBI alumni since 2015 and I am well trained by MBBI mentors over conflict resolution, leadership challenge and mediation. I have been adapting the gained knowledge into action in my workplace as well as peacebuilding journey throughout the years.
To be able to understand not only the local/regional peacebuilding spectrum, but it is also so crucial to understand the Global peacebuilding trends in daily changing world. Hence having a chance to get connected with peacebuilders across the Globe is highly important for me to learn about their works that I can adapt in my workplaces as well as in peacebuilding sectors. Taking this opportunity, I am keen to share the current context of Myanmar and draw attention of international communities towards supporting in addressing Myanmar issues.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Kate Ferguson
South Africa
Kate Ferguson is passionate about humanity’s ability to become part of the solution through our relational intelligence, presencing and aligned action. She draws on her experience in transdisciplinary research, peacebuilding projects and facilitating social & strategic innovation, to guide complex multi- stakeholder collaboration in ways that value local knowledge and best practice. Having taught yoga for 6 years, Kate is dedicated to integrating accessible ways to practice embodiment & mindfulness, inviting our somatic intelligence to inform strategic processes and conflict facilitation. Kate is part of a regenerative leadership duo called The Social Soil who design workshops for progressive organizations & businesses in the healthcare, wellness, legal justice, sustainability and creative fields. Their workshops result in successful prototypes, by bringing diverse stakeholders together in new ways. Kate is also project lead for Pathways of Peace with Amava Oluntu.Kate Ferguson is passionate about humanity’s ability to become part of the solution through our relational intelligence, presencing and aligned action. She draws on her experience in transdisciplinary research, peacebuilding projects and facilitating social & strategic innovation, to guide complex multi- stakeholder collaboration in ways that value local knowledge and best practice. Having taught yoga for 6 years, Kate is dedicated to integrating accessible ways to practice embodiment & mindfulness, inviting our somatic intelligence to inform strategic processes and conflict facilitation. Kate is part of a regenerative leadership duo called The Social Soil who design workshops for progressive organizations & businesses in the healthcare, wellness, legal justice, sustainability and creative fields. Their workshops result in successful prototypes, by bringing diverse stakeholders together in new ways. Kate is also project lead for Pathways of Peace with Amava Oluntu.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Fathima Dildar
South Africa
Fathima Dildar has IT (information technology) experience in the large corporate sector as well as in education. She has fulfilled various roles such as educator, programmer, systems analyst, and solutions architect. She has international certifications in mediation, restorative practices, counselling and coaching. She is an advocate for peacebuilding, gender equality and social cohesion and volunteers her skills, expertise and experience towards multi-sectoral consultations, forums and organizations, reporting, research and development. She also facilitates trauma-informed workshops.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Gennea Moss-Moore
New York, NY
As the former Director of HR Compliance for 9W Halo Op Co LP d/b/a Angelica, she was committed to ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, company policies and procedures, and collective bargaining agreements (CBAs).
Gennea is currently an HR Consultant with over 20 years of labor relations and human resources experience with companies such as, Union Carbide Corporation, Charter Communications, Lockhead Martin, and American Red Cross, just to name a few. These positions afforded her the opportunities to be a Company Advocate in arbitrations and other steps of the grievance procedure; Chief and Co- Spokesperson during CBA negotiations; and case manager and change manager for Company policies and procedures. These employment experiences coupled with her education background provided her with a strong foundation in research, writing, presentation and conflict resolution. She believes successful communication is key in reaching and relating to her audience no matter the position she is in.
She was born and raised in West Virginia. She obtained her BA in International Affairs and an MS in Industrial and Employee Relations from Marshall University and a JD from Appalachian School of Law. Gennea completed the FMCS certification for “Becoming a Labor Arbitrator in 2022. She was accepted as a Higginbotham Fellow in 2023 and she is currently completing her HR Consultant Certificate (March 2023).
Gennea has an adult son and daughter who are excited to be a part of this journey with her.
Grant Amount
Higginbotham Fellows Program
Scholar Recipient
2023 Scholarship Recipients
2022 Scholarship Recipients
2021 Scholarship Recipients
2020 Scholarship Recipients

Kostas Aslanidis
My full name is Konstantinos Aslanidis, however I prefer people to simply call me Kostas. I acquired my Bachelor’s Degree in Law at Democritus University of Thrace. Consequently, I completed my Master’s Degree in Civil, Civil Procedure and Labour Law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. At the same time, I interned at the legal department of one of Greece’s largest banks, Eurobank, where I focused on due diligence on arbitration clauses included in bond loan agreements and legal research on complicated legal cases we faced. It was a welcome opportunity to gain experience in the practical aspect of my studies.
In December 2021, I passed the Greek bar examination and was granted my practicing license. From that point on, I established my own private practice, where I mainly focus on mediation procedures, trying civil cases, and working with counsels to reach resolutions or settle cases. Afterwards, I decided to further develop my insight on Arbitration by applying in the LL.M. program of NYU in International Business Regulation, Litigation & Arbitration. I am planning after competing my studies in NYU to take the New York Bar Examination.
Grant Amount
LL.M. studies at NYU School of Law in International Business Regulation, Litigation & Arbitration

Henry Rajoro
Nairobi, Kenya
Born and raised in Nairobi Kenya, Henry has had a most dynamic experience of Life symbolized by a region that has seen tremendous changes in one generation thanks to the digital transformation and this has translated into great opportunities for leaving a lasting impact in his Generation.
It was destiny that ultimately led Henry into walking in his purpose and impacting communities around him. What began as a passion for storytelling using the camera, opened the door for him to work with International Non-profits like Norwegian based New Life Mission Aid and Netherlands based EDUKANS. This experience is what gave him a sense of calling and purpose in the humanitarian field. After training with Mediators Beyond Borders International in Mediation and Peace Building, Henry found his niche in the broader Humanitarian Field and has since dedicated himself to pursuing this path with special focus on the incarcerated and ex-convicts, in helping them find peace with communities around them, and vice versa. With a Background in Communication and among other skills such as Cybersecurity, Henry’s Vision is to Build Communities centered on Peace and tell stories that propagate Peace and Wholeness.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Raihal Fajru
Aceh Besar, Indonesia
Raihal Fajri is currently the Executive Director of the Katahati Institute she has been running the operations the non-profit organization since June 2013. At the end of 2007-2009, Raihal joined the Katahati Institute as Project Officer for Clearing House Policy Advocacy with the main concentration on encouraging an information Center and policy advocacy for earthquake and Tsunami victims in Aceh in 2004.
As a Project Officer, Raihal was responsible for managing information and ensuring the policy documents that were produced can be used by the Government and related parties in the process of rehabilitation and construction of Aceh in fulfilling the basic rights of Tsunami victims. Specific expertise possessed in this program is policy analysis and media analysis. Raihal was an alumnus of Mediators Beyond Borders: International Training Institute “Women in Peacebuilding, Enhancing Skills and
Practice” in 2016. After that, Raihal received the formal certificate of Mediator from the Impartial Mediator Network with Indonesia Supreme Court after mediation training in Indonesia in 2020. Raihal is also a member of Mediator's Beyond Border International and has several times been a resource person on the topic of The Role of Women in Natural Resource Mediation Processes in Indonesia, first on March 31, 2021, and second at the Kyoto Peace Conference on the same topic on October 29-30 2021. She was a resource person on the topic of Feminist Ecotheology from an Islamic perspective on October 8th, 2021 conducted by JIPC-OFM Indonesia.
Raihal was an Assessor of USAID-SEGAR Project Assessment of Incentive Mechanisms for Improved Land Management, methodologies to evaluate the environmental Performance of Local Governments, and Extension Services in Aceh from November 9, 2021, to February 28, 2022. Raihal was a participant in the 2019 Australia-ASEAN Women in Constitution-building Capacity Development Program on 25-29 November 2019 at Melbourne Law School, Australia. She has been selected to participate in this first ever Constitution Building Summer School to be hosted by the Constitution Transformation Network (CTN) at Melbourne Law School (MLS). The Summer School will bring together a small cohort of eight women with an interest in constitutions and their operation in practice, two each from Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand. Raihal became a panelist representing Aceh, Indonesia in the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) in New York on 13-24 March 2017. At the UN conference which is a routine agenda of UN Women every year, she presented about the role of women in Aceh's
peace with the title of presentation "Women's roles in peace building; Support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Aceh “. From July to November 2017 she became a member of the Banda Aceh City Medium Term Development Plan Team (RPJM) in 2017-2022. She was also responsible for the Banda Aceh City CBDIS (SIPBM Online) Program under Aceh Social Protection Program as well as the Stunting Decrease in Aceh in collaboration with UNICEF and the Katahati Institute from 2013 until 2018.
In 2007, Raihal received training as a Trainer in the Training of Gender Sensitive Active Non- Violence Trainer and was followed up in the 2008 WPP Desk Asia Cochin, India. In addition to training for nonviolence activists, Raihal also received leadership training in the Vital Voices of Asia: Women's Leadership and Training Summit in September 2010 in New Delhi, India, after this Training, Raihal became a member of the Women Democracy Network. In 2010-2012, Raihal became the Program Manager of the Katahati Institute, which is responsible for ensuring that aspects of program planning and implementation run optimally. One of the major programs that were successfully implemented was Aceh Democracy Design. Rachel was responsible for compiling program planning to obtain funding support from the TIFA Foundation to design the Aceh Democracy Development based on the roadmap of the experience of Aceh's civil society, community organizations and the private sector. She is one of the drafting teams in the process of Compiling Academic Papers on the Management of Public Information Disclosure in Aceh to encourage the management of public information disclosure in Aceh in June-December 2017. She was the Manager of the Socialization Program for Handling the Inheritance Law of Tsunami Victims based on Law no. 48 of 2007 which is tasked with increasing understanding in managing inheritance rights and inheritance, especially in terms of managing and accessing tsunami victims' accounts to heirs in 2008. In the same year, she managed the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Transition process in realizing a comprehensive and sustainable Aceh Development whose task is to encourage multi-stakeholder synergies in the Aceh transition process to map the post-BRR NAD-Nias rehabilitation and reconstruction agenda as well as input for the end of BRR's tenure and the sustainability of rehabilitation and reconstruction for the Aceh Government. To ensure the involvement of women in the policy formulation process related to environmental issues, she started by becoming a researcher in the Beusaboh Pakat Working Group (WGBP) in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah was responsible for Gender Scanning Mainstreaming who was tasked with conducting initial scanning on the mechanism of socialization of Gender Mainstreaming in the Sarak Opat structure in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah districts in collaboration with the Aceh Police and IOM. Then at the end of 2017, she was involved in the process of women's dialogue on natural resource management in Quezon City, Philippines with the theme Resister Dialogue Resister's Dialogue on land, life, and rights. This dialogue forum was attended by women representatives of six ASEAN countries consisting of Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia plus India. The recommendations for this dialogue forum were then submitted to the representatives of their respective countries at the ASEAN Ministerial level meeting which took place at the same time. In addition, she also became a member of the Women's Earth Alliance (WEA) Indonesia in 2019 and became a mentor to facilitate WEA members the following year. WEA catalyses women-led, grassroots solutions to protect our environment and strengthen communities from the inside out.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Vaiba Kebeh Flomo
Creating community means a lot to my career goals. I want work through young people to create a community free from corruption, drugs, SGBV, and gender inequality. to see a community with high integrity, self-reliance and hardworking people.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Abiola Funmilayo Faleye
Abiola Funmilayo Faleye is from Nigeria, a seasoned legal practitioner of over 18 years, a certified Mediator and a Peace building Advocate expert with special interest in WPS, Peace education, Community peace building and conflict resolution. She has niche in family mediation and Restorative Practice. She is Passionate about building peaceful communities and using her expertise in this field as social change mechanism. She has over 18 years of experience as a legal practitioner both in the judiciary and private practice and have spent the last six years as a peace builder and good governance advocate in both conflict and post conflict zones. She has volunteered and still volunteering with many organizations locally and regionally especially in community peace building. She is deeply involved in women empowerment and gender equality advocacy. She has gone for several trainings both at home and abroad to deepen her knowledge and understanding in peace building. She facilitated several capacity building sessions spanning over several areas of peace building. She is a member of several
organizations and initiatives on and also co- founded a network of Women Mediators (WiMNet) to bring women in this field to visibility in Africa.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Xikhongelo Pearl Mukhari
South Africa
Xikhongelo Pearl Mukhari is a 30-year-old lady from a small village called Elim under Makhado Municipality in the Limpopo province in South Africa. A 4th year LLB student with the University of South Africa and recently graduated as a peacebuilder with MBBI for ARCoM, very passionate about peacebuilding and praying to make the world a better place with her acquired skills from the all the trainings she will be receiving.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Khin Thida Soe
My name is Thida, and I am from Myanmar. I have been serving as a Peace practitioner, mediator and a community dialogue facilitator over a decade. I am also a strong humanitarian. Over past years, I have brought my expertise on Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding (Nexus) to address the intersectional issues of H-D-P. On the other hand, whilst I am emphasizing on building peace that bringing community cohesiveness, I am promoting the human rights/ SOGIE rights that respect the diversity and inclusion. On professional front, I have left Christian Aid where I worked as a Programme Manager (Peacebuilding Nexus) and I just recently joined The LinQ Foundation based in Chiang Mai Thailand. The LinQ promotes the Human Rights and SOGIE rights, advocate for acceptance and recognition towards LGBTQ+ communities, bringing and respecting diversities and inclusion.
In Myanmar since the Coup, Myanmar Military Regime took over power on Feb 1, 2021, all the functions of social, political and economy collapsed and thousands of innocent civilians got killed by the Myanmar Security Force while over thousands of young people including journalists, politicians and activists were detained and some were sentenced to death. Government staff joined Civil Disobedience Movement and students quit the education. The economy and healthcare system were completely collapsed. Post Covid and due to the compounded crises of the current political turmoil, the people got traumatized with a lot fear due to the brutal military crackdown and crime against humanity and genocide towards minority groups, women, children and LGBTQ+ individuals. The people are in a traumatized situation and over 15 million of people are facing with poverty and humanitarian crises. As the repercussion affect, suicide is on the rise and lots of people have frequent suicidal attacks and are negatively impacting their mental trauma. Being a peacebuilder, human rights defender, it is so vital for me to take some responsibilities of helping people healing trauma and brining peace and unity amongst the communities along with bringing transitional justice. Hence having right knowledge and skills on trauma informed peacebuilding is highly important for me to bring more positive changes in the community and building peace.
On top of this, I have been so fortunate that I am one of MBBI alumni since 2015 and I am well trained by MBBI mentors over conflict resolution, leadership challenge and mediation. I have been adapting the gained knowledge into action in my workplace as well as peacebuilding journey throughout the years.
To be able to understand not only the local/regional peacebuilding spectrum, but it is also so crucial to understand the Global peacebuilding trends in daily changing world. Hence having a chance to get connected with peacebuilders across the Globe is highly important for me to learn about their works that I can adapt in my workplaces as well as in peacebuilding sectors. Taking this opportunity, I am keen to share the current context of Myanmar and draw attention of international communities towards supporting in addressing Myanmar issues.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Kate Ferguson
South Africa
Kate Ferguson is passionate about humanity’s ability to become part of the solution through our relational intelligence, presencing and aligned action. She draws on her experience in transdisciplinary research, peacebuilding projects and facilitating social & strategic innovation, to guide complex multi- stakeholder collaboration in ways that value local knowledge and best practice. Having taught yoga for 6 years, Kate is dedicated to integrating accessible ways to practice embodiment & mindfulness, inviting our somatic intelligence to inform strategic processes and conflict facilitation. Kate is part of a regenerative leadership duo called The Social Soil who design workshops for progressive organizations & businesses in the healthcare, wellness, legal justice, sustainability and creative fields. Their workshops result in successful prototypes, by bringing diverse stakeholders together in new ways. Kate is also project lead for Pathways of Peace with Amava Oluntu.Kate Ferguson is passionate about humanity’s ability to become part of the solution through our relational intelligence, presencing and aligned action. She draws on her experience in transdisciplinary research, peacebuilding projects and facilitating social & strategic innovation, to guide complex multi- stakeholder collaboration in ways that value local knowledge and best practice. Having taught yoga for 6 years, Kate is dedicated to integrating accessible ways to practice embodiment & mindfulness, inviting our somatic intelligence to inform strategic processes and conflict facilitation. Kate is part of a regenerative leadership duo called The Social Soil who design workshops for progressive organizations & businesses in the healthcare, wellness, legal justice, sustainability and creative fields. Their workshops result in successful prototypes, by bringing diverse stakeholders together in new ways. Kate is also project lead for Pathways of Peace with Amava Oluntu.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Fathima Dildar
South Africa
Fathima Dildar has IT (information technology) experience in the large corporate sector as well as in education. She has fulfilled various roles such as educator, programmer, systems analyst, and solutions architect. She has international certifications in mediation, restorative practices, counselling and coaching. She is an advocate for peacebuilding, gender equality and social cohesion and volunteers her skills, expertise and experience towards multi-sectoral consultations, forums and organizations, reporting, research and development. She also facilitates trauma-informed workshops.
Grant Amount
Restorative Practice and Trauma-Informed Peacebuilding training and the MBBI congress (10th International Peace Congress in Nairobi, Kenya)

Gennea Moss-Moore
New York, NY
As the former Director of HR Compliance for 9W Halo Op Co LP d/b/a Angelica, she was committed to ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, company policies and procedures, and collective bargaining agreements (CBAs).
Gennea is currently an HR Consultant with over 20 years of labor relations and human resources experience with companies such as, Union Carbide Corporation, Charter Communications, Lockhead Martin, and American Red Cross, just to name a few. These positions afforded her the opportunities to be a Company Advocate in arbitrations and other steps of the grievance procedure; Chief and Co- Spokesperson during CBA negotiations; and case manager and change manager for Company policies and procedures. These employment experiences coupled with her education background provided her with a strong foundation in research, writing, presentation and conflict resolution. She believes successful communication is key in reaching and relating to her audience no matter the position she is in.
She was born and raised in West Virginia. She obtained her BA in International Affairs and an MS in Industrial and Employee Relations from Marshall University and a JD from Appalachian School of Law. Gennea completed the FMCS certification for “Becoming a Labor Arbitrator in 2022. She was accepted as a Higginbotham Fellow in 2023 and she is currently completing her HR Consultant Certificate (March 2023).
Gennea has an adult son and daughter who are excited to be a part of this journey with her.
Grant Amount
Higginbotham Fellows Program