Consensus Building Institute


Consensus Building Institute

Video screen with headline and pastoral image of green hills
Video screen with headline and pastoral image of green hills

Brokering Agreements in Tough Natural Resources Disputes
This video demonstrates how professional facilitation can help diverse stakeholders manage challenges, conflicts, and complexity related to natural resource problems. It was developed by CBI with support from a grant from the American Arbitration Association and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA-ICDR) Foundation.


Conflict Dialogue

Divided Community Project, Joint Campus-Law Enforcement Preparation for Campus Demonstrations and Hate Incidents Amid Violence in the Middle East: Ideas for an Agenda (2024)


Watch the AAA-ICDR Foundation Special Initiative Grant recipient National Civic League’s Center for Democracy Innovation’s Webinar ‘What Do People Need to Feel Heard? Replacing Microphones with Deliberation.’

Conflict Dialogue

Strategies and tools for an effective approach to democratic engagement across dividing lines in your community.