Recorded Webinar: AAA-ICDR Foundation® Grantee Dayton’s Mediation Response Unit
AAA-ICDR Foundation has awarded two grants totaling $400,000 to expand Dayton Ohio’s Mediation Response Unit. This recorded webinar provides an overview of the Unit and advice for other communities wanting to develop similar programs.

The AAA-ICDR Foundation Board has awarded two grants totaling $400,000 to expand Dayton Ohio’s Mediation Response Unit (MRU). The MRU was formulated through police reform initiatives after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. The MRU is an alternative emergency response program that dispatches trained mediators to respond to lower emergent 911/police calls for the City of Dayton. Since May 23, 2022, the MRU has responded to over 1,500 calls for service in the Dayton community. The call type most responded to has been disputes between neighbors, followed by complaints about disorderly persons. This recorded webinar provides an overview of the MRU presented by the program coordinator and driving force behind this groundbreaking work, Raven Cruz Loaiza. The webinar also provides key advice for those seeking to implement similar programs in their communities.