Research Foundation of CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice


Research Foundation of CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Dispute Resolution Center
The Dispute Resolution in Mental Health Initiative (DRMH Initiative)
Grant Amount
Dispute Resolution Center

Since 2017, the AAA-ICDR Foundation has supported The Dispute Resolution in Mental Health Initiative (DRMH Initiative) operated by the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center (CUNY DRC) at John Jay College with MH Mediate serving as Program Consultant.  Through this partnership, the following resources were created to scale conflict resolution resources available to individuals and communities impacted by mental illness.


Since 2017, the AAA-ICDR Foundation has supported The Dispute Resolution in Mental Health Initiative (DRMH Initiative) operated by the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center (CUNY DRC) at John Jay College with MH Mediate serving as Program Consultant.  Through this partnership, the following resources were created to scale conflict resolution resources available to individuals and communities impacted by mental illness.

Resources for Communities
The Dispute Resolution in Mental Health Initiative developed and launched an extensive online training program for libraries, laypeople, and others to learn how to talk about mental health in empowering lays, address challenging behaviors without trafficking in mental illness stereotypes, and resolve conflicts related to mental health situations. This program gave people short, skills-­‐based modules and downloadable takeaway tools they could use to change their practices.
Research Foundation of CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Learn more about the DRMH Initiative.